Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
View all posts (680)
Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: General Forums :: Server: Fish Tank Classic |
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Fishermans_cove |
I KILL YOU!!!!![]() ![]() Posts: 107 |
yea i see but when i first started reading all i see was a bunch of finger pointing that's all. Well then knight lets get this shit moving then, the points you have are strong 1. Lets start a thread about the MOTD 2. the rules of the servers 3. all talk (has been started) 4. Environment (i like the latter also) lets get moving with this, lock this thread and lets get the ball going, how does that sound |
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Knightrider |
Meteor 2016![]() ![]() Posts: 3503 |
Fishermans_cove wrote ... yea i see but when i first started reading all i see was a bunch of finger pointing that's all. Well then knight lets get this shit moving then, the points you have are strong 1. Lets start a thread about the MOTD 2. the rules of the servers 3. all talk (has been started) 4. Environment (i like the latter also) lets get moving with this, lock this thread and lets get the ball going, how does that sound They signed up for the job, they signed up for the criticism and headaches that came with it. |
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
Knightrider. We put a ton of time and effort into the admin team for FT CSS, populating the server, and advertising the clan. I don't think anyone would fault us on that. Outside of some afternoon TKers, there was never a significant problem with CSS. That should have transitioned better into CSGO. However, given the problems my laptop has had running GO, the addition of about 25-30 hours of work a week onto my schedule, and getting accustomed to a new game while also getting accustomed to a new admin system, IT'S BEEN A LITTLE DIFFICULT FOR A SMOOTH TRANSITION. I apologize for this. Glitch and Skittles have been busy as well, apparently. It is not convenient nor anticipated. If you don't think the MOTD is up to par, tell me what you'd add to it. I tend to be very concise with material like that. No one is going to read a freaking paragraph description of every obscure rule we have. I covered the basics, and all other rules are governed by common sense or some form of elastic clause. I'm trying to update and manage the admin team. I'm left only to assume it's the same roster as on the CSS server. It isn't easy for me to teach them how to perform admin duties properly when I don't know how. Give us a little bit of grace time. It's a new game, a new system, and we're all getting comfortable with it. Nostie has been a great help with what he's done. Which is why I wanted him to be an admin on the Source server. Someone vetoed that. You asked for people to take command in your absence. You haven't been absent. You've been nothing short of overbearing and nagging. Quit it. If you want things run your way, then you shouldn't have given up that control. Now, I'm going to end this discussion with this: Within a week, things will be fine. I have more free time the next few days. I will make sure that all obligations of our Lead Admin role will be met. If you and Alex can continue running the server and working with the clan to fix problems (all talk, etc.) it would be great. The game came out 2 weeks ago. People aren't going to instantly flock to our forums and beg for admissions just because you crossed your fingers and sprinkled fairy dust all over your keyboard and prayed to the Counterstrike gods. |
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Knightrider |
Meteor 2016![]() ![]() Posts: 3503 |
b4ndito wrote ... Knightrider. We put a ton of time and effort into the admin team for FT CSS, populating the server, and advertising the clan. I don't think anyone would fault us on that. Outside of some afternoon TKers, there was never a significant problem with CSS. That should have transitioned better into CSGO. However, given the problems my laptop has had running GO, the addition of about 25-30 hours of work a week onto my schedule, and getting accustomed to a new game while also getting accustomed to a new admin system, IT'S BEEN A LITTLE DIFFICULT FOR A SMOOTH TRANSITION. I apologize for this. Glitch and Skittles have been busy as well, apparently. It is not convenient nor anticipated. The problem is, it wasn't a smooth transition to GO because we went from using one plugin (Mani) to another (SM). Nobody except for Nostie and Cha seemed to know how to use SM commands. We were hoping that one of you would take the initiative and learn the commands so that the other admins knew what they were doing. None of you did, and we were left with a huge problem that Nostie thankfully stepped up and addressed. It would have been nice if you guys would have communicated with us better that you were busy (only Skittles did), and we wouldn't have been here. Well, we would have, only we'd have looked for someone else to do it. b4ndito wrote ... If you don't think the MOTD is up to par, tell me what you'd add to it. I tend to be very concise with material like that. No one is going to read a freaking paragraph description of every obscure rule we have. I covered the basics, and all other rules are governed by common sense or some form of elastic clause. I'm trying to update and manage the admin team. I'm left only to assume it's the same roster as on the CSS server. It isn't easy for me to teach them how to perform admin duties properly when I don't know how. Give us a little bit of grace time. It's a new game, a new system, and we're all getting comfortable with it. Nostie has been a great help with what he's done. Which is why I wanted him to be an admin on the Source server. Someone vetoed that. You asked for people to take command in your absence. You haven't been absent. You've been nothing short of overbearing and nagging. Quit it. If you want things run your way, then you shouldn't have given up that control. Right, this furthermore goes to prove the above point I made that nobody took any initiative, even after Alex posted his thread asking for someone to do so. And you're absolutely right, I personally vetoed Nostie's admission for administration simply because of his past of being a gigantic prick (no offense, Nostie.) I never intended giving him admin ever, but he is the only one that is completely dedicated to the GO server right now, and we need that. Aside from the kissing and immature gay jokes, Nostie has grown up a little. Rest assured, I'm assuming we will never see a racism thread, self-promotions, etc., from him anymore and he will continue to do an excellent job as an admin in our server. b4ndito wrote ... Now, I'm going to end this discussion with this: Within a week, things will be fine. I have more free time the next few days. I will make sure that all obligations of our Lead Admin role will be met. If you and Alex can continue running the server and working with the clan to fix problems (all talk, etc.) it would be great. The game came out 2 weeks ago. People aren't going to instantly flock to our forums and beg for admissions just because you crossed your fingers and sprinkled fairy dust all over your keyboard and prayed to the Counterstrike gods. All sarcasm aside, this first month is absolutely vital to our server. We need exactly fairy dust to make sure that our server is a lot more relevant than other 24/7 office servers, and blowing it off like it's no big deal is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I was hoping that you three stepping up and taking this role would feel the same sense of urgency, but I guess I was wrong. |
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
You act like I don't give a shit and that I have no intentions of giving a shit and it pisses me off. Things have not gone to plan. I accept that fault on behalf of Glitch and Skittles and myself. We do have other obligations that are a little more pressing. From now on, roles that we cannot fulfill will be properly delegated to those who can help. I'm glad Nostie had the sense to show up and do what we clearly did not have the time to do. However, I have clearly stated that EVERY PROBLEM WILL BE RESOLVED WITHIN A WEEK. This conversation is over. |
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b4ndito |
b4ndito![]() ![]() Posts: 3385 |
And also, let me add, that the proper way that all of these concerns should have been handled is TALKING TO US instead of being ironic and catty on the forums. You have my phone number. If you think that there is a problem with something, text me and we'll talk about it and formulate solutions together. I don't have a ton of time, and reading through 15000 words to catch up on a thread isn't the best way for us to go about solving problem.s |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
So much red tape. Whatever happened to simply enjoying the community environment. Rules rules rules rules rules regulations regulations regulations regulations. You come off like you wanna regulate the server to death. As Bandito said, you really think people are gonna read paragraph long descriptions in the MoTD when they log onto the server? Hell fucking no. I never read the god damn MoTD and most people dont. You cannot be exact with rules and regulations on a server since it is not a static thing. It is a constantly changing and varying environment. The admins know how to handle things and they get the gist of what is allowed and what is not. Stop making shit more complicated than they are because that is precisely what you are doing. Also, regardless of who knows how to use SM or not, we have had barely any admins on the server in the first place to even use it. Maybe it is just me but when i am playing, i havent even had to use admin powers because people have been civilized. You act like there have been hackers and TKers galore and we have 10 admins on who dont know how to do anything. This is not the case. Please. Everyone chill the fuck out. Is this the god damn FT environment you want around here? Cuz i sure as hell dont. You are gonna push more people away with this red tape political Nazism than you're gonna bring in. And speaking of LA's and the job we signed up for... we were THE ONLY ones WILLING to give it a shot. We also had OTHER options which you shot down for one reasons or another including Nostie which i would have given admin to on day 1. Stop trying to run the clan like a Fortune 500 company. Nothing is inherently broken and we DO NOT have horrible problems which are preventing people from having fun. This is a god damn game. Start looking at it that way. This petty red tape bullshit pushed so many people out of the clan back in the day. Dont do it again. And ive been around for 6 years so i know what i saw. Edited Tue Aug 28 2012, 09:38PM |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
Fishermans_cove wrote ... hell when iwas wearing the community tag AquariumFish another one of glitches ides. people would ask how to i join FT, i told them the forums now did they go probably not. Thank you for mentioning this Fisher. The whole steam group thing... you know... making 2 groups to situate the FT clan tag issue as well as grow a large community and advertise that way... yea that went "almost" completely unnoticed. I spent fucking days organizing that shit even before i was considered an "LA." I also grew that public group by a substantial amount and they are mostly all ACTIVE players. I create events and announcements to play on the server ALL the time AND it works. This LA shit is not a full time job but it seems like i had it wrong the whole time and it is. |
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alcosatz |
FT Classic Op![]() ![]() ![]() Posts: 1545 |
gLiTch wrote ... So much red tape. Whatever happened to simply enjoying the community environment. Rules rules rules rules rules regulations regulations regulations regulations. You come off like you wanna regulate the server to death. As Bandito said, you really think people are gonna read paragraph long descriptions in the MoTD when they log onto the server? Hell fucking no. I never read the god damn MoTD and most people dont. You cannot be exact with rules and regulations on a server since it is not a static thing. It is a constantly changing and varying environment. The admins know how to handle things and they get the gist of what is allowed and what is not. Stop making shit more complicated than they are because that is precisely what you are doing. The MOTD is viewable outside of the game, or you can get to it through the in-game browser: -[link]- I think it's a great place centralize information about the server instead of having twenty sticky posts that people need to dig through just to find some basic information. Back in the first FT Classic era admins, you know, when the community was coming up with all these regulations that made us successful, admins would frequently tell people to say 'motd' so that they could understand what our rules were. Unfortunately you can't say 'motd' in-game and have it pull up the MOTD. I also disabled the 'basetriggers' SM plugin because people were abusing saying the 'ff' command to lag the server. Hopefully we can find a solution so that players can quickly reference the MOTD in the future. Your 'regulations' comment is interesting. It's gimmicky, kinda like a bumper sticker, and definitely not true. You're clearly ignorant of how FT Classic ran in the past. It was successful and it operated as I am suggesting. gLiTch wrote ... Also, regardless of who knows how to use SM or not, we have had barely any admins on the server in the first place to even use it. Maybe it is just me but when i am playing, i havent even had to use admin powers because people have been civilized. You act like there have been hackers and TKers galore and we have 10 admins on who dont know how to do anything. This is not the case. Are you really that naive? If I understand what you're saying correctly, because we haven't seen scores of hackers and TK'ers in the past two weeks, we will never need to clarify or discuss how these situations will be handled? Wow, dude. gLiTch wrote ... Please. Everyone chill the fuck out. Is this the god damn FT environment you want around here? Cuz i sure as hell dont. You are gonna push more people away with this red tape political Nazism than you're gonna bring in. Oh dear... Godwin's Law is most certainly true now. So this is how it's going to be, eh? You accuse me of regulating the server to death and now I'm leading us to nazism. gLiTch wrote ... And speaking of LA's and the job we signed up for... we were THE ONLY ones WILLING to give it a shot. We also had OTHER options which you shot down for one reasons or another including Nostie which i would have given admin to on day 1. Stop trying to run the clan like a Fortune 500 company. Nothing is inherently broken and we DO NOT have horrible problems which are preventing people from having fun. This is a god damn game. Start looking at it that way. This petty red tape bullshit pushed so many people out of the clan back in the day. Dont do it again. And ive been around for 6 years so i know what i saw. I certainly am not getting paid to do any of this, and your "Fortune 500 company" insult makes no sense. And hey, while we're throwing out suggestions, I still think you rewriting the FT Voting System was ridiculous. It's a game, man, not a 9th grade civics class... or a tea-party event. Anyway, I'll have to consider it, and I don't want to make a snap decision, but I believe that I'm done dealing with you. For the immediate future, at least. |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
Stop twisting my words Alex. Take a good look at the past 1 week of threads and finger pointing. It is garbage. You and Knight are blowing shit up beyond what is needed. You didnt want ANY responsibility which is why you wanted an "LA team" but yet at every turn it seems that you are both very impatient and feel obligated to shape things into how you feel they should be. By all means, take up the reigns again if you feel that way. As far as the hackers and TKs in the server comment i is true. However, i didnt see anything that i said regarding "not wanting to discuss" admin commands. When the fuck did i say that? Stop twisting my god damn words. I said that in the 10 god damn days we have had traffic and working admin abilities (if it even was that long) we have not had ridiculous issues that need immediate attention. This is what im talking about. Impatience. Things will get done. Just because they arent done at exactly the time you feel they need to be done doesnt mean we are doing a poor job as LA's. I am not as tech savvy as many of you with software and all that bullshit so it may just take me a bit longer to catch on with certain things. Deal with that. Nazism may have been a bit far fetched but i was referring to being extremely anal bout trivial things. And my FT voting system was just Bubble Gooses system for the record. I rewrote it to be more easily readable with a few changes to the number of votes needed. But thanks for your opinion on it being ridiculous. Maybe we should go back to your system which seemed like a fucking 10 page dinosaur? If you dont wanna deal with me fine. Deal with Bandito or Piece but i am sure they feel very similar to the way i do. If anything, i'll just deal with Knight. I am a man of much patience but i got more important issues to deal with than this finger pointing bullshit. Ah yes...the FT i remembered so clearly. Edited Tue Aug 28 2012, 11:12PM |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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