Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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[poll] PS3 vs XBOX360 vs WII |
Author | Post | ||
BuBBLe GooSe |
The Original MilfHunter![]() ![]() Posts: 1592 |
Sega Genesis. | ||
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kd. |
♥ (✿◠‿◠) ♥![]() ![]() Posts: 3128 |
Oh yeah, Goose? I have a sega genesis 3! | ||
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Kate |
![]() ![]() Posts: 259 |
Mega Drive is better. | ||
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
Sega Saturn bitches.. Or even better Contra for NES lol. ahh the good ole days. | ||
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Noname|Boom |
That one guy...![]() ![]() Posts: 2603 |
wii, cuz its got best games. ps3 sucks, i'll never get it. ever. | ||
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blindsk8tr675 |
Spider-man Fanatic![]() ![]() Posts: 205 |
SNES + Super Mario World = PWNAGE FUCKERS! Edited Fri Jan 19 2007, 04:09AM | ||
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Wildcard23 |
![]() ![]() Posts: 1067 |
Hell yeah Glitch!! Contra and Duck Hunt on NES FTW!!!! LMAO!! But if I have to pick a system up there, I pick the Xbox 360 since it has Gears of War, Rainbow Six, and Halo 3. I enjoyed more of the shooting games on Xbox when I had it and played the sports games such as NCAA Football and Madden on my PS2. I also played the GTA series and SOCOM on my PS2. But I still go with 360 right now. It will actually be arriving in my living room sometime in the next few weeks. Glitch, you are invited over to come and play with Jigg and I. ![]() |
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![]() ![]() Posts: 11 |
hahaha GO wild...go wild...get ur 360 on....we all need to get live and play together | ||
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aborted fetus |
The All-Cum Diet![]() ![]() Posts: 1888 |
Anyone who buys into the "console wars" might need to wake up. You are letting the gaming industry dictate the pace of game development. They are telling you what you want. Think about it, how many GTA3 clones are there? How many games exactly follow the GTA3 format? Countless! Sure, some have better graphics than others, but who wants to pay hundreds of dollars on a new system, shell out another $50+ for a game just to have marginally better graphics? No thanks. Believe me, sooner rather than later, we will experience another video game industry crash. Just like with the crash of 1983, we have a saturation of poor quality products on the market. The crash of '83 was a good thing because it gave rise to a company that actually tried to entertain; Nintendo. Nintendo single handedly revived the industry. They had new, innovative ideas that people enjoyed. Thank about it, how many classic, timeless games are there for the NES? Zelda, Mario Bros. etc., etc., (I’m sure everyone over the age of 20 can list several of his/her favorites). Many people still play these games more than twenty years later! How many of you still play GTA3 or Madden 2002? I would bet very few. The only thing delaying the inevitable industry crash is consumers buying into the “console warsâ€. Rather than demanding better products, people become fiercely loyal to “their†company and will argue, ad nauseam, about it. PS3 vs. XBOX-360 vs. Wii? The consumers have already lost. It's a lot like those idiots who say things like "Fords suck and Chevys rule!" Both Ford and Chevy automakers blow ass. But, some people don't realize that because they feel patriotic driving a Ford or Chevy. Just go to some redneck honky-tonk bar and I assure you that you can find some idiots who will argue over Fords and Chevys. Same concept here; they all suck and the consumers are the ones who lose. Edited Sat Jan 20 2007, 12:18PM |
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BuBBLe GooSe |
The Original MilfHunter![]() ![]() Posts: 1592 |
Blah! Fetus man, I think you're missing the point...Fetus: "You are letting the gaming industry dictate the pace of game development... They are telling you what you want" O Rly? I was under the impression that the consumer buys the product. There are a lot of consumers hence, many prefered tastes. This is why there are 3 main options,,, (1 more than you had when you went to the polls in 2004) The market share is distributed based on sales which in turn are reflective of the portion of the pie that is dedicated to the 'style' of gaming which each console caters to. Wii(Nintendo) takes on the younger crowd. PS3 (Sony) caters to a high end graphics crowd. 360 (Microsoft) caters to the 'I can't wait for the PS3 so I'll buy this less capable Xbox item right now' crowd. Who is telling the consumer what they want? Clearly you don't make the distinction between the Console manufacturers and the Game Developers who are subcontracted.... The GTA series is made by Rockstar Games, not Sony. There are a bunch of game developers who make the games that are played on the consoles. I don't have an exact figure, but there are more than 3 sub-contracted companies, hence there is an inside competition between the developers to garner market share within each console's consumer base. THESE dozens of sub contracted companies are the ones who sink Milions into R&D, Testing, Surveys and such in order to please the consumer and take hold of gaming segments. The consumer dictates which games sell and which genres are popular. Nobody is cramming Pac-man 360 down anyone's throats,,, that would not necessarily sell as many copies as would a Halo3. Fetus: "Think about it, how many GTA3 clones are there? How many games exactly follow the GTA3 format? Countless!" Welcome to Capitalism comrade! The GTA series became popular and the 'winning formula' was copied in order to maximize profits. This is seen in every notable segment of the American 'eat till you're too fat to move' economic strategy. Sectors like the automotive producers find a car that becomes popular and next year, they have the same model with upgraded leather seats or come our with a higher Horsepower edition or a 'new' model that works off the older model's platform or whatever... The gaming industry; GTA series, CS 1.6- CS:S is the same shit. Most notable would be the music industry. Take a look at Lou Pearlman and the success he had with the Backstreet Boys,,, what was his next move? *Nsync! Rap music is this wigger generation's form of disco. Rap music is being exploited? Naw, the artists from the 'Dirty South' are good and talented folks! (Rofl) The formula (hip-hop) became popular and variables were amended/adapted to squeeze out ever dollar possible. Don't place blame on the video game industry because they are not the only ones taking advantage of trends and Capitalism. The first game I bought with my PS2 was GTA3, and I bought it completely blind, never heard of it, never seen it,,, but the images on the box looked neato. From there I got Vice City and San Andreas... Why? Its all PS2 quality graphics, its the gameplay that changed. The style remained true to the 'run around killing people' formula, but new cars, weapons and storylines made for a game that will not disappoint the core fans of the previous installment, yet draw in new buyers because of the desireable improvements... (Nobody buys GTA games on a PS2 for their 'graphics'.) Fetus: "Believe me, sooner rather than later, we will experience another video game industry crash. Just like with the crash of 1983, we have a saturation of poor quality products on the market." Rofl, we have an oversaturation of poor quality products in every market. The video game market will remain strong so long as we (The West) remain well fed and have the ability to sit in front of 'screens' (comp and TV). Video games have taken the place of board games, pick up games in the park on Saturdays, family game night, etc... Face it, technology is advancing and has pushed the 1950's 'Leave it to Beaver' forms of entertainment so far off the cliff, that we are stuck with the monster that we created. Fetus: "The crash of '83 was a good thing because it gave rise to a company that actually tried to entertain; Nintendo. Nintendo single handedly revived the industry. " HA! Nintendo is a Japanese company that saw an opportunity in American Markets. Their ambitions were the same then as they are now,,, to get American dollars. You say that they were honest and pure in their intentions to 'entertain' the North American population, while I say that Nintendo used advanced Japanese technological engineering to manipulate the naive American population with repeatative 'flashy things' on a screen. Fetus: "They had new, innovative ideas that people enjoyed." Wii has the Wii-mote or whatever the blasted thing is called. Yes yes, its an updated version of the 'Power Glove', but most gamers who will buy/ask their parents for the Wii are far too young to recall gaming industry trends back from the late 80's. With regards to video game consoles in the 80's, pretty much everything was 'innovative', right down to the 'Blaster Gun' that the NES came with. Gaming in itself is not a trend,,, kids(human kids and animal offspring) have been 'playing' because its inheritly ingrained into our psyche as an early form of socialization and building motor/communication skills. The Neanderthals/Neoliths who didn't partake are extinct. Ironically enough, many single player games are solitary, yet the most popular PC games (WoW, CS etc...) utilize online multiplayer and are suited to playing with others. Anyways, back on track... Fetus: "Thank about it, how many classic, timeless games are there for the NES? Zelda, Mario Bros. etc., etc., (I’m sure everyone over the age of 20 can list several of his/her favorites). Many people still play these games more than twenty years later! How many of you still play GTA3 or Madden 2002? I would bet very few." How many people's NES still work 20 yrs later? PS2 and Xbox will still work in 20 years time and the generation who grew up on it will consider the GTA series 'classic' much the same way that you and I consider NES games like Mario3, Blades of Steel and Contra classics. The term 'classic' is subjective in that our parents who played Pac-Man on an arcade machine in a pizza joint in the 70's would say "Pac-man is the shit"... Meanwhile, kids of today whose first system will be a Wii/PS3/360 will look at Pac-Man and ask, "Classic? It looks like a turd if you ask me!" Video game 'classics' are generation-sensitive,,, same as Disco/70's Rock/80's New Wave.... RAP! Our kids will look at us and ask, "Daddy, why did everyone in your time dress like black rappers?" Much in the same way that we asked our parents "OMG, you thought that bell-bottoms and Afros were cool?! Roflcopter, lool!" Fetus: "The only thing delaying the inevitable industry crash is consumers buying into the “console warsâ€. Rather than demanding better products, people become fiercely loyal to “their†company and will argue, ad nauseam, about it." I will argue that the industry won't crash. Video games have been able to adapt with the times and given the fact that they are fueled by the technology sector, the advancement of Gaming will only stall when R&D in the technology field stalls,,, which seems unlikely given that the American economy is based on tertiary industry. [We have outsourced our manufacturing sector to China, our resources... (Middle East oil, Japanese Steel and Cars, Canadian lumbar and fresh water) ...come from abroad and are subject to market values that are determined by other governments. 20% of the world's population consumes 80% of its resources.] The Video game industry will only crash when America (like Rome) falls,,, and believe me, at that point, video games will be irrelevant when middle class suburbanites are fighting in the streets for a jug of drinkable water... welcome to Africa in the streets of your local city... Fetus: "PS3 vs. XBOX-360 vs. Wii? The consumers have already lost." Lost what? The video game industry is trying to fight for a share of the excess funds that Americans dole out for entertainment. The video game folks are competing against the movie industry, pro sports, porn for a share of the extra cash you have in your pocket. You had better bring a seemingly entertaining product to the table if your competition is this 'stiff'. The advantage that the Gaming industry has is that developers can buy the rights to the movies and make 'The DaVinci Code game' or go to the NFL and for a cost, they can license teams, logos, players and bank off of the popularity of the sport to crate a game... Oddly enough, movie special effects go hand-in-hand with Video game graphics and games like Madden 02 only advance the popularity and interest in the sport while making it accessable to markets and people who cannot get to see the actual pro games. Fetus: "It's a lot like those idiots who say things like "Fords suck and Chevys rule!" Both Ford and Chevy automakers blow ass." That's an interesting comparison... There are those idiots who are so thick headed that they will proclaim 'Chevy is better than Ford', but like you said, they're idiots. I myself am a Ford guy and I wouldn't necessarily consider myself to be over-idiotic. I am able to make the statement "I can respect what Chevy has done for domestic automobiles as a whole and cars like the Camaro, 57 Bel-Air, and Chevelle have pleasent styling features." But the Ford vs Chevy vs Mopar car wars of the 60-70s only helped sales for large horsepower and large priced muscle cars for all 3 companies. Likewise, these 'video game wars' that are based on competition only help all 3 companies, but more importantly, the consumer, in the end. If there was a monopolized market share on the video game industry from only 1 main manufacturer, then sure, the consumers would be at a loss and the USSR would still be around. ![]() Fetus: "But, some people don't realize that because they feel patriotic driving a Ford or Chevy. Just go to some redneck honky-tonk bar and I assure you that you can find some idiots who will argue over Fords and Chevys. Same concept here; they all suck and the consumers are the ones who lose." Rofl? I'm Canadian and I feel "Patriotic" driving a domestic because I know the revenues from the purchase of my Mustang went to local workers and not overseas. Does the same apply to this situation? Not really beacuse I'd wager that Sony and Nintendo are Japan based and even the Seattle based Microsoft produces its product overseas. The loyalty that you show toward NES is the same as the loyalty that the new generation of gamers has toward the hawt new product of their day. Edited Sat Jan 20 2007, 11:37PM |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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