Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: Fish Tank Side Forums :: Philosophy |
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My father made a valiant effort... The Evil PC!!! |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
My father always called the "computer" the devil in the making. I always laughed at him but he just said watever. It wasnt until a few months ago that i realized he was right. The computer is a superhuman machine thing that can be controlled and programmed by humans. Its like a gun... the gun is only as dangerous as the person holding it. WoW ruins kids lives, CSS ruins some others, ppl become work addicts and lose thier families over it, ppl spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on it to make it better and faster then they will ever need it to be, some have seizures from the flashing lights, kids dont get exercise and therefore directly contributing to the Obese Epidemic taking over this country, ppl kill eachother over computer shit, ppl inventing new kinds of prostitution for game currency, ppl selling webcam sex over the internet, viruses causing banks to go bankrupt, emails being sent to confirm terrorist attacks, nukes being launched by computers, even computers building computers lol. Look how much time i spent writing this pointless thread, i could be sleeping or doing my homework...rofl. There r hundreds of more examples. Granted we wouldnt be as advanced as we r today without the computer chip, but like i said, its as bad as the person using it, and ppl in general, suck. This thread initially started out as a response post to Night's post in this thread -[link]- Instead, i just moved it to the Philosophy section because its long and has much more info. Night wrote ... I've said in about 12 other WoW threads. The game is ruled by 12 year olds that have been playing since release date. They are so far into their addiction they haven't found the time to buy a new game, do homework, or even eat for days. Their moms have to pry them from their seats, and they haven't showered in months. WoW is the first comming of the anti christ, and you all should know that by now. Like i said in that thread, WoW is too specific, computers in general r the real anti-christ. But oh well, by the time the earth dies from nuclear winter, i will prolly be one with the earth, then get shitted on by some guys dog. So i wanna hear some of your thoughts on this subject. Are they as bad as i perceive them to be? Can we be saved? Will Nostie lend me his sister tomorrow? |
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Pockyninja |
Ruler of all that is pocky![]() ![]() Posts: 704 |
wrote ... My father always called the "computer" the devil in the making. I always laughed at him but he just said watever. It wasnt until a few months ago that i realized he was right. The computer is a superhuman machine thing that can be controlled and programmed by humans. Depends on what your talking about in super humans. Humans cant invent new things only mimic things we saw in nature. The computer is a attempt to create a human brain which is a far more advance computer even if some people choose not to use it lol. wrote ... WoW ruins kids lives, CSS ruins some others, ppl become work addicts and lose thier families over it There is a saying "There is no such thing as a unwilling addict." When it comes to mental addiction like this it is a matter of the person's mental strength and their will to live in the real world vs a pleasing fantasy world. It runs their lives only because they want it to and if they did not have wow or css they would find another thing to consume all their time and life. wrote ... ppl spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on it to make it better and faster then they will ever need it to be, some have seizures from the flashing lights. That is like saying people spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars working on their car or buying exersize machines, or any of the thousands of products people buy. They spend their money on what they like and also there is no such thing as faster than they will ever need if their need is enjoyment. If they enjoy certain games or other programs then it means speed is necessary, also some people hate to wait remember this is enjoyment and waiting isn't in that category, and some people just like the thrill of being fast. wrote ... kids dont get exercise and therefore directly contributing to the Obese Epidemic taking over this country This here is completely wrong. Being overweight is not a epidemic and never could be. A epidemic first of all needs to be a disease. Also it must be at least unhealthy and while for some people it is unhealthy you can't judge a person's health by how fat they are. Simply put some people are just as healthy fat as they are skinny. On top of that it doesn't effect enough people in a realistic sence. The charts we use today to measure this are completely fucked up they weren't even invented to do what they do. They were made by some fuck back in the early 1900s to see if a person's weight had to do with their intelligence and it turns out that he was wrong. They then took his chart and used it to determain if a person is healthy based on weight and no test has ever proven that they are even close to being right. You been tricked like over half of America my friend. wrote ... ppl kill eachother over computer shit, ppl inventing new kinds of prostitution for game currency, ppl selling webcam sex over the internet, viruses causing banks to go bankrupt, emails being sent to confirm terrorist attacks, nukes being launched by computers, even computers building computers lol Prostitution is the oldest profession and it will be around till the end of time. It closer to being a crappy strip joint then it is to being prostitution though. Prostitution implies that you acully get something out of it other then a jerk off lol. You can find prostitutes on the net though, but you can also find them in the streets of any major city. I don't understand what problem people have with people selling a serves. I probably would never use such serveses but I feel they have a right to sell it if they want to and if it were a legal transaction it would be able to be moderated. Making things illegal just breeds crime and this is not something that really harms society. It would in fact help though seeing as they are a big spreader of STDs. If you can get it legally they can keep that from happening and who would want to go to a illegal place to go get a STD when you can go to a legal STD free place. I have yet to see viruses cause people to go bankrupt. Other then destroying files you can only do so much with a virus. It really depends on how stupid the person is on if they loss their identity and money. Usely it isn't a virus that gets them but spyware a virus is only a program that command the computer to harm the computer. Terrorist will use whatever means necessary. If it wasn't email it would be a phone or a letter or a attack on some place that tells them to attack another place. Terrorist will communicate and use any means necessary. Destroying the internet would not stop the terrorist. Would you rather that people put in by hand that cordnates and make all the calculations when firing a nuke? Do you really trust humans to make things so exact that they hit their target? I mean we arent talking about a small bomb here we got a big problem if this misses not to say that you can't live where one hits. Shooting a nuke is a big deal and I would rather a computer make the calculations. OK a computer building a computer is all fine and good. We have machines build shit for us all the time what is the difference with computers? wrote ... Look how much time i spent writing this pointless thread, i could be sleeping or doing my homework...rofl. Maybe you should type faster it couldn't have taken you to long to come up with the ideas to write here. Also if your investing so much time into this can you try to break up your mega super ultra run on sentence you had there. I mean you separated it with commas and then you capitalized after the commas lol. wrote ... There r hundreds of more examples. Granted we wouldnt be as advanced as we r today without the computer chip, but like i said, its as bad as the person using it, and ppl in general, suck. I hope they are at least good examples. Any object that a man creates or holds in his hand is only as good or bad as the person who holds it. Humans are by nature dangerous we can make anything into a weapon and accomplish our goals in such a way. It isn't a matter of computers only but everything that ever has and will exist is dangerous depending on the person that has it. wrote ... Like i said in that thread, WoW is too specific, computers in general r the real anti-christ. But oh well, by the time the earth dies from nuclear winter, i will prolly be one with the earth, then get shitted on by some guys dog. a computer is not the anti-christ. If your a average person they save your life a lot. Also whenever you go to get surgery you are most defnatly being saved by one as well as one skilled human. People who say this shit really piss me off. If your afraid of it learn about it before you start condemning it and then you will know your enemy and maybe make it a friend. As for a nuclear winter that is a matter of humans deciding weather to use their bombs that or just waiting till the next ice age. We got a long time till the next one and if that is the next nuclear winter then your damn right you will be dead but at that point no dongs will be shitting on you because you will be long since decayed. wrote ... Are they as bad as i perceive them to be? Can we be saved? Will Nostie lend me his sister tomorrow? 1) No they aren't as bad as you feel they are. Your a pariniod person controlled by fear and the media. Your comments above have shown me that you have almost no mind of your own when it comes to radical fears. You have given into bad sci-fi books and the media making up crap and until you decide to live in reality you will always have unfounded fears like this. 2) We can be saved by learning about what we fear. It gives you a idea of if there is anything to fear at all and if there is how to stop it. Knowledge is your friend and the enemy of propaganda. Don't believe everything you hear and don't let your parent's fears become your own. 3) I have no idea. |
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O_Mega |
Inconsistant Ownage Device![]() ![]() Posts: 1058 |
God made WoW to weed out the weak minded. Natural Selection at its finest. | ||
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emerican |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3146 |
wrote ... ppl kill eachother over computer shit FUCKING WINDOWS '98! |
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Zero |
I want to fuck your hand.![]() ![]() Posts: 2809 |
Omega wrote ... God made WoW to weed out the weak minded. Natural Selection at its finest. Exactly what my brother said. I love it, lol I think you got too offended pocky. I too agree that computers suck nuts and is enitially not only destroying human lives and society, but it is changing the world in such a way that we no longer rely on fundamentals like farming and hunting anymore, and we have a society that is based around getting WHAT you want, RIGHT when you want it. IE Fast food. And in most cases, getting what you want when you want it involves Factories. Factories produce Green house gases. Our lazy fat asses with oil and fuel heating sources produce green house gases. Its just an ongoing cycle of our society getting worse and our Mother Earth slowly dying from it |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
pocky wrote ... 1) No they aren't as bad as you feel they are. Your a pariniod person controlled by fear and the media. Your comments above have shown me that you have almost no mind of your own when it comes to radical fears. You have given into bad sci-fi books and the media making up crap and until you decide to live in reality you will always have unfounded fears like this. That to me sounded a lil harsh I didnt mean this thread as me fearing anything, because the only thing i fear in life, is drowning. Not death in general either. If i die then i will understand it is my time, and i wanna go out standing. I do not fear death, nor reality, NOR COMPUTERs. Just drowning in general. It sux. Where this is going, no clue This thread didnt take me long to create either. And some of the shit in it is bogus because i was writing it on 3 hours of sleep going on a 17 hour day and it was almost 4am and i was drunk earlier. Zero made a good point, yet you did as well pocky. You both made great points. Like i stated at the beginning, A computer is only as good or as bad as the person behind it. This thread was merely for a discussion on computers and where they have come from, how they affect us, and where will they take us (forgot to mention that in the last 3 questions). And the me being paranoid and controlled by the media...LOL. Never! I laugh at them. If i was a paranoid person i wouldnt street race when i know the consequences of it. I could lose my license, or get dead. yet i do it anywayz. One more ticket and i lose it lol. So until the points clear, im a law abiding citizen...most of the time. I just wanted to stir the shit in this thread and got an immediate response from the person i figured id get it from. Cheerio! Edited Mon Apr 23 2007, 11:39PM |
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Pockyninja |
Ruler of all that is pocky![]() ![]() Posts: 704 |
Zero wrote ... Omega wrote ... God made WoW to weed out the weak minded. Natural Selection at its finest. Exactly what my brother said. I love it, lol I think you got too offended pocky. I too agree that computers suck nuts and is enitially not only destroying human lives and society, but it is changing the world in such a way that we no longer rely on fundamentals like farming and hunting anymore, and we have a society that is based around getting WHAT you want, RIGHT when you want it. IE Fast food. And in most cases, getting what you want when you want it involves Factories. Factories produce Green house gases. Our lazy fat asses with oil and fuel heating sources produce green house gases. Its just an ongoing cycle of our society getting worse and our Mother Earth slowly dying from it First I am not offended I just don't like people saying things without thinking and blaming everything on computers. I also have a deep hatred of people saying things that are complete lies formed by the media (like the obesity epidemic.) Hate to rain on your paradade but fast food was around before the computer was ever made into something useful it was around ether during or before the computer was huge and needed punch cards to do anything. It took hours to do anything with it so this do everything fast life is not really it's fault it has been a relatively faster life in the city ever since there were cities and we just keep trying to make it faster to keep up with demands we have had since as long as humanity has existed. Also factories existed back around the civil war long long before there were ever computers and your damn straight they produced green house gasses and a lot more then modern day ones because we didn't have scare tactics about global warming back then. Oil has been used for heating long long before computer also. I say you should do some research. Human waste has gone down in general not up in a sence. The sence is that the single person with a car and factory and all those things that produce green house gasses has gone down since back in the factories and cars of old. People do want things faster but they have ever since humans have started to live. When factories started coming out in the industrial revolution after the civil war I am sure people said the same thing about them you say about computer now. that they stopped people from farming and we cant go back to our values and blah blah blah. We never did end up really going back as a society but there are people who do farm and hunt and all that. America provides a lot of the worlds food despite how few farmers we got and we also got a fuck load of computers. While I will agree that society is getting worse it is not really the computers at fault. It is simply people getting used to getting what they want in life which is the same goal that humans have and always will have. As for rotting mother earth more and more I think you watched to many brain washing seminars. Yes we do create waste but it isn't the greatest amount of waste we have created in the past things are always being made to satisfy different environmentalist. They wave their false global warming in the face of everyone to raise up fear and get laws in place. The fact is while I am not a fan of them they do keep our air, water and land cleaner and slow our rate of destroying this planet. That is the problem with any intelligent race we have wants and we can manipulate our world to get them. gLiTchâ„¢ wrote ... pocky wrote ... 1) No they aren't as bad as you feel they are. Your a pariniod person controlled by fear and the media. Your comments above have shown me that you have almost no mind of your own when it comes to radical fears. You have given into bad sci-fi books and the media making up crap and until you decide to live in reality you will always have unfounded fears like this. That to me sounded a lil harsh I didnt mean this thread as me fearing anything, because the only thing i fear in life, is drowning. Not death in general either. If i die then i will understand it is my time, and i wanna go out standing. I do not fear death, nor reality, NOR COMPUTERs. Just drowning in general. It sux. Where this is going, no clue This thread didnt take me long to create either. And some of the shit in it is bogus because i was writing it on 3 hours of sleep going on a 17 hour day and it was almost 4am and i was drunk earlier. Zero made a good point, yet you did as well pocky. You both made great points. Like i stated at the beginning, A computer is only as good or as bad as the person behind it. This thread was merely for a discussion on computers and where they have come from, how they affect us, and where will they take us (forgot to mention that in the last 3 questions). And the me being paranoid and controlled by the media...LOL. Never! I laugh at them. If i was a paranoid person i wouldnt street race when i know the consequences of it. I could lose my license, or get dead. yet i do it anywayz. One more ticket and i lose it lol. So until the points clear, im a law abiding citizen...most of the time. I just wanted to stir the shit in this thread and got an immediate response from the person i figured id get it from. Cheerio! Stir the shit you did lol. You seemed to have a fear of them like you claim your father dose at least that is the impression I got. As for the media a few of your topics are hot topics in the media (one is the fat epidemic) These topics are scare topics and nothing more. They are lies and since I can only believe you feel they are true I have no other idea it leads me to the conclusion that your believing everything you hear so long as it sounds trueish and has popular support. As for my comment here is what I have to say "Life is harsh deal with it" now to end this like every white house press confrence: Everything is fine stop asking questions. No farther remarks (walks away) lol Edited Tue Apr 24 2007, 12:00AM |
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Zero |
I want to fuck your hand.![]() ![]() Posts: 2809 |
I know my research, dont pull that card. Fast food technically started by a guy who invented the hamburger at some county fair selling meatballs. And he realized that people wanted to do other stuff while eating meatballs. so he squashed them, and put them between two pieces of bread I wasnt stating that computers are the fuckign cause of everything, im saying they are just there to make the situation worse. Cars AND fast food were way before computers, they were fucking examples. As as for the obesity epidemic, FUCKING REALITY CHECK, its real, and more then 70% of America are either overweight or obese. We even have a picture in funny pictures of two girls wearing a thong, and it says "difference between Europe and America." I know my research, so please never state that again. really got to me, cause I know alot of information for an obnoxious little 16 year old. All I was saying is that although the computer OBVIOUSLY isnt the cause of the problem, it is just increasing the rate by which our society falls. Fast food started A LONG time ago, with meals that only consisted of a Burger, Fries, and a Shake. but now, with COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY!! it has gotten faster, increasing the rate by how fast people can order their food, or increase the ammount of food they eat in a shorter ammount of time. INCREASING how overweight they get. Decreasing the ammount of work they can do, or aka decreasing their energy output. Increasing our societies falling rate. You want more from me, just ask it. im fuming now, and ive got plenty of details and information. I dont need to back everythign someone else says with 5 paragraphs of blabbing on (excuse for being rude, but you really got to me with your post. excuse my rudeness, I probably sound like an asshole, but im pissed now, lol) |
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Pockyninja |
Ruler of all that is pocky![]() ![]() Posts: 704 |
wrote ... I know my research, dont pull that card. Fast food technically started by a guy who invented the hamburger at some county fair selling meatballs. And he realized that people wanted to do other stuff while eating meatballs. so he squashed them, and put them between two pieces of bread Good to know you knew this but the way you make it sound computers are creating them but it is clear they were created before computers. Also it is nothing technical about it there were McDonalds back when my dad was working on one of the worlds only computers that were a entire room. They used to do dollar cheese burgers and stuff like that. Fast food existed because of cars and people being on the go. wrote ... I wasnt stating that computers are the fuckign cause of everything, im saying they are just there to make the situation worse. Cars AND fast food were way before computers, they were fucking examples. And you commented on me getting angry and offended sir fucks a lot. I am saying that computers don't make the problem worse they are a solution to a problem that your making into a problem. It is good that you knew of their exsistance before the computer but the way you state it you seem to say they are the cause. wrote ... As as for the obesity epidemic, FUCKING REALITY CHECK, its real, and more then 70% of America are either overweight or obese. We even have a picture in funny pictures of two girls wearing a thong, and it says "difference between Europe and America." Time for your fucking reality check. I already went over this but for your info. "In epidemiology, an epidemic (from Greek epi- upon + demos people) is a disease that appears as new cases in a given human population, during a given period, at a rate that substantially exceeds what is "expected", based on recent experience (the number of new cases in the population during a specified period of time is called the "incidence rate"). (An epizootic is the same thing but for an animal population.)" In other words it must be a disease and being fat is a personal problem not a disease so your termonaligy is wrong. wrote ... Also it must be at least unhealthy and while for some people it is unhealthy you can't judge a person's health by how fat they are. Simply put some people are just as healthy fat as they are skinny. On top of that it doesn't effect enough people in a realistic sence. The charts we use today to measure this are completely fucked up they weren't even invented to do what they do. They were made by some fuck back in the early 1900s to see if a person's weight had to do with their intelligence and it turns out that he was wrong. They then took his chart and used it to determain if a person is healthy based on weight and no test has ever proven that they are even close to being right. The fact is that pretty much everyone who uses this measuring system that has been completely unproven to have any basis on reality is at least overweight. 99% of celebrities you know the skinny fucks who are so photogenic are acully overweight by that system. the only way to really not be would be to be anorexic. Unless your not eating and throwing shit up your overweight in this country. There are a lot of people who are fat and this is why you choose to believe them but the fact is there are not nearly as many truely fat people in this nation as they want you to think. I think we need to update the system to be more realistic, scientific, and be designed for what it dose not be some failed science exsperment for something else. wrote ... I know my research, so please never state that again. really got to me, cause I know alot of information for an obnoxious little 16 year old. I got no problem with you calling yourself names but you clearly didn't do your reaserch on obesity and on top of that the way you say things is very misleading. I can only come to conclusions based off what you say and how you say it. wrote ... All I was saying is that although the computer OBVIOUSLY isnt the cause of the problem, it is just increasing the rate by which our society falls. Fast food started A LONG time ago, with meals that only consisted of a Burger, Fries, and a Shake. but now, with COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY!! it has gotten faster, increasing the rate by how fast people can order their food, or increase the ammount of food they eat in a shorter ammount of time. INCREASING how overweight they get. Decreasing the ammount of work they can do, or aka decreasing their energy output. Increasing our societies falling rate. All I am saying is that is a load of shit and that computers are not effecting any of this and defnatly not making society fall. Fast food could be order just as fast people just used to yell to the cook about what to get. I have never seen any technology that can make me eat food faster. Have they developed a pair of robot arms to feed me while I work? Have they developed some kinda ray to shrink food and then have it expand when it lands in my belly? ok then how the hell are they making it easier for me to eat food faster? It has made it easier for fast food not to burn crap but the computers in there are closer to being egg timers. As for order it jsut makes it easier to read and just plain clearer what people want. It doesn't help them make it faster per say (unless you had to ask what someone wrote) but it dose make it more accurate. In other words all your points there seem fairly pointless. I worked in the food industry for a while myself I can tell you that computers there make almost no difference. The only one that made a significant difference was the cash register and the calculator. As for depressing our output your right it dose make us able to be lazier then we could before. So do you want to go be a Amish and raise your barns with pullies and all hand work. Humans are by nature lazy and computers a a means to that goal but it isn't so much computers acully that make our lifting and such lesser. Cranes, Tractors, and other construction vehicles are not computerized. So the computer has nothing to do with a large amount of the physical labor we have to do. I am kinda wondering what really do computers do to decrees our work load in the physical realm? wrote ... (excuse for being rude, but you really got to me with your post. excuse my rudeness, I probably sound like an asshole, but im pissed now, lol) If you get emotional in a debate it will be no fun. You got to learn to take criticizim without getting to angry about it lol. Then again I grew up arguing so I am used to it lol. [edited] Didn't notice I missed that last part of his quote lol. Edited Tue Apr 24 2007, 03:16AM |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
pocky wrote ... You seemed to have a fear of them like you claim your father dose at least that is the impression I got. My father isnt afraid of the PC lol He just said that because i was on it playing CSS and WoW so much and my school worked sucked ass lol |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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