Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
View all posts (680)
Fish Tank Clan :: Forums :: Fish Tank Side Forums :: Philosophy |
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Meaning of Life |
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nostie |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3167 |
The meaning of life to me is to enjoy it (by having fun, experiencing everything there is to experience, etc...) I have already found out that we, humans, will produce a minimal effect upon the universe, and there is no physically possible way for us to be able to tell what effect that will be. When examining if we will have a positive or negative effect upon the universe, I taught myself that there is no such thing as a positive or negative effect... humans invented this to control people, and feel more secure. Morals are what control society, as religion does. Since there is no positive and negative, the only thing we can really do as humans is have fun! since your decendants will eventually either die out, or when the sun runs out of fuel it will expand and engulf earth, killing all of earth's inhabitants, we will die anyway, so who gives a fuck? ENJOY LIFE, Think about it... divide your age by 75 and that's how far through life you are... have you done even 1/4 of what you set out to do? Get your shit straightened out, don't worry about money, don't worry about regret, don't pay attention to those who annoy you... Just let yourself go, and live. |
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Kalibur |
![]() ![]() Posts: 578 |
True, I watched a TV show over earth, the sun, and the universe so like he said live life as if it was your last day ![]() As far as life goes… live, love and let die |
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Noname|Boom |
That one guy...![]() ![]() Posts: 2603 |
woot, this only like the 20th thread about the meaning of life ![]() |
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-Fux0r- Eric |
![]() ![]() Posts: 33 |
Ive always thought about the meaning of life, what it means why i am here yada yada yada... I think the meaning of life is welll....LOVE Love is probley the most thing in the entire world Love has every thing to do with being great and also being alful When you are in love everything seems that much better, Roses are redder, everything smells better, The person that has that luck of being in loves knows that feeling, The feeling where you just are so happy to wake up in the morning knowing you have someone to hug and kiss and laugh with Love can change a person for better or for worse Love can also destroy... My good friend had an girlfriend for about 2 years and I dont think I ever saw him happier, although he blew me off for her most of the time, it didnt make me mad or anything... but when that day came around when she broke up with him, I think his entire world flipped upside down, he became angry, not easy to talk too, he pretty much became an asshole. I am no longer friends with him, I see him in the hallways at school and I always say hey to him but I dont think he will every be as happy as he was with his girlfriend So my conclusion with meaning of life is Love -Eric |
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nostie |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3167 |
Eric, your logic's a little bit fucked... love didn't cause his pain, lack of it did... And love wouldn't be the meaning of life, "falling in love" would... but yeah you've got it pretty much down. Also: he'll fall in love again, no worries... he'll be just as happy, or happier then. |
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-Fux0r- Eric |
![]() ![]() Posts: 33 |
lol Well nostie, I am not good a writing, my mind can run a million miles but when it comes to putting it on paper, your right im "fucked" but the lack of love fucked him over, he gave his love to her and she blew him off, so the lack of love is what did it for him. He changed big time because the love wasnt returned to him. so i wouldnt say my logic is alittle bite fucked, and Love is the meaning, whether its falling in it or falling out of it or loving lamp Love is Love no matter what |
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gLiTch |
Anal Assassin![]() ![]() Posts: 3848 |
i totally agree with nostie abotu everything. Just let yourself go. Dont let society make you feel that "this," watever it is, is wat your supposed to do. Do what makes you fell happy... Whether it is jumping out of planes, wrestling alligators, playing CSS ALL day long, making game movies, bowling... watever. Do what makes you happy regardless of wat other people think. (unless its considered against the law). Eric... about love. i do agree that what makes us tic is love. Its our fuel. But not just love for a women or... a man, but passion for everything you love. Passion for sports, for games, for women, porn, men, T.V., military, forums, cars, your job, dirtbikes, watever it may be. And dont be so sure about loving a women is all yayayayay! Trust me, ive been going out with my girl for 2 ½ years now... its a fucking JOB. But there is no other girl in the world i care about the same way. Yes i love her and its great and i love to have someone care about me.... But on the flipside there is not one day that goes by that i dont wanna kill her. But hey, thats love. But in my Philosophy class, my teahcer brought to our knowledge that love is not what you think. One Philosopher, i forget who, said that love is actually selfish. The fact that you love someone because it fulfills your needs. Whether sexually or emotionally. Love makes u feel better as a person therefore making it a selfish act. MY only disagreement with this is the fact that it doesnt explain this: Someone shoots a bullet at the person you love, what do you do? ME.. i would jump in front of the bullet to save her. So is love really selfish? Thats just me but im sure a lot of ppl would do the same and have done the same. Granted it sucks... but thats wat love is. Love is just love. Edited Fri Jan 12 2007, 12:04AM |
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nostie |
![]() ![]() Posts: 3167 |
the love part is selfish, caring about the person is a different issue, so i think your teacher has you there glitch. very intelligent talk about love though Edited Fri Jan 12 2007, 02:47AM |
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Knightrider |
Meteor 2016![]() ![]() Posts: 3503 |
Living your life is good, but don't live it too much. My dad lived that, and he's in jail for the rest of his life. So live your life to the fullest, but watch how you live it. There's alot that I wish I could have done, like asking someone out when I had the chance, and shit like that. As far as religeon goes, I'm supposed to be out spreading the word of it. But I don't believe in that. I only reach out to people that I think need it, and I don't think it is necessary to try and force it into people, especially ones that don't really care. I think it interferes with most lives. Who would want to be a pastor and prepare every day to talk about a lesson that some could read in their bible? It's good to bring people that don't have one, but that's just outreach. They say that church expands your mind, but I find when I'm solitude with my bible it's easier to learn whether then just getting bored in church listening to my pastor ramble on. Most of the time I literally fall asleep. I will do some research later to find out how much people waste their lives sitting in church. A little bit of church once in a while isn't wasting, but most of it is uneccessary. Ahhh, parties. You get together with your friends, buy a couple of cases of beer, and drink until you shit your pants. But for the average teenager/american today, that's only most of your teen years and some of your college years. I plan to get trashed at least once, but I'm keeping that shit to a minimum. Cancoon Mexico ftw. Nevertheless, alcohol is the main reason that my dad fucked up and lost everything, and now he is where he is. I don't think you should really drink considering of all the effects that it leaves on the body physically, and psychologically. I'd rather live my life with a clear psychological sense on things. So if you plan to live a semi-normal life, leave alcohol out of the picture. Drugs. It's what American society lives on today basically. It's beyond my comprehension why people would even start this shit, even if you were depressed...why? Why fuck up your brain doing shit as stupid as this, especially heroine. "Marjiuanna doesn't have any effects." The fuck it doesn't. It has been proven that the big ol' blunt actually makes you psychologically deeper, therefore, furthermore adding onto depression. w00t. Go marijuanna. Although it can be fun to get fucked up on, it's also just plain stupid. Believe me, I've heard stories of stupid shit done by my friends. An example, they smoked so much that they couldn't even see their hands or roll up another one. And they ordered 60 bucks worth of Chinese Food, ate all of it, and ate half of a pizza. Not only are you poor from buying the M.J, you are poor from ordering food ![]() And now we know the last one that consumes our souls to the outmost extremety. Work. Ugh, the hell house you have to wake your ass up every morning or night to go to. Same people every day, same fuckhead of a boss, same waste of life. The life is sucked out of your body going to this shit place. Some jobs can be good, and some can be bad. I'd like to think that every job that I have worked so far in my short life has been horrid. I get bored real fast, find the work repetitive, long to go home, and find myself sitting in an abyss of shit until I finally get told I can go home. Yes, that's right. I get told when I can go home. How fucking amazing is that. What happened to fixed hours? I guess that went down the shithole a long time ago. Whatever the case is, work is a fucking waste of life. I wish people didn't have to put a price on everything, but unfortunetely, that's the way it is. Now comes the bearer of bad news to the outmost extremety, marriage. Dun dun DUUUN! I can ask all of you if you want to get married and most of you will say Hell fucking no. 2 years into your relationship you are happy to come home to her every day. You are warm from her affection and after years or even months of dating, you think you are ready to put the ring on her finger. Of course, you have to get her first, but that's besides the point. So finally comes that day when you get married, and that couple of days to weeks that you spend on your honeymoon. That all goes good, then once you get home, you find out that you argue. Then, as the marriage progresses, you argue more and more, and you start to get sick of her. That's when you realize that marriage is a fucking plague. You dread it when you come home to that angry whore that yells at you for nothing at all. Or, if you're a girl, you dread when that lazy bastard comes home with the dirty clothes smelling like cheap ass demanding shit on his plate, and a blowjob on a dirty cock. Life gets hard for the both of you, and you are constantly at each other throats. You already made her pregnent, but you sign the paper anyways. The divorce is complete, and now you have a child that has to deal with traveling every weekend. Those couple of days that you don't get to see your own blood go tough and harsh on you every day. And it's not as if work is already handing you enough shit. Your stress level increases, and you start to age quicker. You're constantly tired from all the bullshit that just happened to sink it's ugly head up your ass. So you end up on a bar stool every night drinking your life away, and fate fucks you right in your asshole. You shouldn't have married that bitch. All of those are some shit that you should watch when you think about not wasting your life. Living your life to the fullest might be sweet, but there's always a consequence for everything. Just watch what you do, think about what you do, and take some time to think before you put the ring on her finger. That's why if you're not the committed type, then go into a club looking for one night stands. My outlook on life, peace out. |
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-Fux0r- Eric |
![]() ![]() Posts: 33 |
Nightrider you are really looking at the dark parts of life, maybe that is all you see?? maybe it sounds like alot of bad shit has happened to you? maybe.. but just think of it like this.... You got tons of years on your life and alot of them are going to be hard, but when the good ones come around, when that perfect moment hits, it will probley be the most amazing feeling for you maybe you'll fall in love, maybe you will win the lotery...who knows, but that one amazing moment, you will remember for the rest of your life. Alot of people always tell stories of when they are growing up and all the crazy or bad things they went throught, your story can be that one perfect moment in your life... Dont let other people's mistakes become your mistakes, just listen to you mom or dad and let them teach you.... it sounds stupid i know, but you can really learn alot from them But anyways... good post nightrider -Eric |
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Where is the best place we can all link up to have a reunion? A facebook group? Only platform I think we all look at daily hahah but who knows if anyone wants to show their actual face. :P Made one just now -[link]-
2 years ago
Oh I'm so down. I still play zombie escape sometimes on CS:S. Never gets old. So down for Office.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
Also 15 years for me. Fuck man we are getting old as shit.
Also, loving Back 4 Blood. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys coop zombie action. I play on steam. gLiTch handle was retired with FT. You can find me as theRemedy on Steam friends.
3 years ago
Super down for a rerun. I think we all have some old connections to plan something ahead of time, on an updated game, or even outdated, for all of us to do an event on. I would look forward to that very much
3 years ago
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